Energy Imprints

This last year and a bit has been very difficult. On top of the daily commitments of having children, a husband, a job and a home, I have also been moving through the loss of my amazingly beautiful Mum.

Initially I purchased the amazing book; The Conscious Parent, hoping to find something that would shine some light on a path forward so that I could move past how reactionary I was feeling towards, my boys, in particular. Trying to mother, wife, teach, live and grieve is a really draining juggling act and I felt like I was dropping all of the balls.

At the same time in which I was reading; The Conscious Parent, I also began to stumble across articles which also explored the energies each person imprints on their environment and how energies are exchanged between people. These readings inspired a lot of personal reflection.

Understanding the power of my energy imprint and accepting the necessities of taking responsibility of this, has been pivotal in how I am learning to stay in a conscious space both; intra and interpersonally.

My adult emotions and stresses should not be given the power to impact upon how I interact with my children. I do not want grief or stress to manifest itself in a way that shifts me away from the Mum I strive to be.

After reading The Conscious Parent, I began to really take note of when my energy imprint became detached or screechy to reflect the stress or sadness I was feeling. When my energy imprint reflected my internal stresses, I became reactionary and snappy. When this happened, I observed my boys becoming; unsettled, clingy, grumpy and they would also whinge more then usual. My children mirrored my energy imprint in their own way. Their output was directly linked to my output.

My energy imprint creates and influences the energy imprints of my children. This revelation in itself has motivated me to be more conscious of how I am feeling and has enlightened me to the importance of creating positive coping strategies so that my children are not getting the short end of the stick. In doing so, I am much more in tune with my children and less consumed by my own 'self'.

While reflecting upon my own energy imprint, I also began to consider the difference between adult to adult interactions and those interactions taking place between adult and child. It is some what shocking when you do reflect upon your interactions with other adults in comparison to how you may interact with your child. Many of us are consistently respectful and conscious of the feelings of our peers. We endeavour to self-regulate and make mature choices so that we are perceived as good people. Most of us try not to be 'dick heads' in our interactions in the adult world. In this realm we take ownership over our energy imprint. However, so often, it is all too easy to engage with our children without the same consciousness or thought that we would apply to the conversations and general interactions that we engage in with our peers.

Imagine feeling stressed, tired, unhappy, or all of the above and more, and yelling at a passerby, your co-worker, friend, or husband. It just would not be acceptable.

After such reflection and observation, it is very clear to me that to be able to take ownership over my own energy imprint and maintain a consciousness over how I am feeling and why, it is hugely important to allow myself to feel and acknowledge the true reasons or triggers for those reactions. It is also evident, how important it is to make an effort to find positive coping mechanisms for all of those adult stresses, so that our beautiful children do not fall victim to those stresses.

This time in my life, as the mother of young children, is such a sacred time. I choose for it to be a time of conscious, loving and nourishing energy. We, as humans, communicate in such depth; encompassing words, gestures and energy. I want my children to grow in conscious, loving and nurturing energies not in stressed, sad or tired energies. I am motivated to choose to respond consciously as opposed to react subconsciously.

Are your children sensitive to your own energy imprint?
What is your energy communicating when you are with your children?
What could you do to create a lighter and more nourishing energy imprint in times of stress?

"Hey Mummy, can you take photos of Oti Poti and me?"
"Of course I can."

"There is no greater revelation of a societies soul than the way it treats their children." 
-Nelson Mandela


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