Home made play-dough

One thing you don't need to buy is play-dough.

You can save money and avoid toxins AND packaging by making it at home!

It is a brilliant medium for creative expression. It is wonderful for fine motor development and it really is fun for the whole family.

Here is the best play-dough recipe I have ever come across and one I use often for the classroom and home.

3 cups of flour
3 teaspoons cream of tartar
2 cups water
1/2 cup salt
2 tablespoons oil (coconut is yummy)

To be extra fancy; add colour, scent, dried flowers, rock salt, herbs or glitter. Glitter isn't best of friends with ole Mother Earth so we tend to not use it.

All you do is throw all of the ingredients into a saucepan and on a low heat, stir until you can't anymore.

Empty the dough out onto a floured bench and knead it (or have your children do it) until it is to your satisfaction. Add flour as necessary until the dough is no longer sticky.

Then join your children and have some fun.


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