The coolest presentation I’ve ever been to
I recently attended an amazing presentation, hosted Nathan Wallis and left feeling so happy that I had attended. In this particular presentation, Nathan focused on the years two-eight, which is relevant to the space I am in as a Mum and also as an Educator. All of his expressed views are validated by extensive research on brain development and observations. This is what I took away from my experience; Firstly Nathan gave a brilliantly simplified explanation of the four main parts that make up the human brain. Brain one is all about survival and brain two is all about movement. Together these form the reptilian part of our brains. Brain three is all about feelings and emotions and is the mammalian part of our brain. Brain four is all of our higher intelligences-“Things the dog couldn’t do”-like reading and writing and math. Many factors influence brain development however two big ones are gender and whether or not you are the first born child. These two factors play a huge role in...