My Family and The Start

I initially trained as a Primary School teacher and loved it. 

After a few years of working at a fabulous Intermediate School in Auckland, I fell pregnant. Our son was born on my beautiful Mum's 60th birthday. I instantly fell in love with being a Mum. I was lucky enough to spend the following year predominantly at home, doing a little relief teaching here and there when we needed some extra money.   

When my first born was one, we moved from New Zealand to Australia. Because of our move, I needed to return to the work force a bit sooner than I had anticipated doing so. The idea of sending my son into care in a new country and having to actually leave him there while I went to work was way too overwhelming (sorry for sounding dramatic) so instead I decided if I had to return to the workforce, I'd send us both into care!

I completed my Diploma in Early Childhood and became a Kindergarten Teacher. I love the translation of 'Kindergarten'. It means "Garden of the Children". This melts my heart on so many levels. It resonates with my belief that like gardens, children slow us and force patience. They set us into the present and force us to be mindful. The translation also brings to mind days gardening along side my Nana and Gran and lastly; of a gorgeous garden being loved and explored by nature loving children. Bliss!

Last year I gave birth to our second son. He was born in March and although being a Mummy of two deliciously busy boys can, at times, be a little hectic they are both, in their own unique ways, simply amazing. 

My love for my children helped me to stumble upon my passion for the learning and development which takes place in our early years. I hope that this space provides the opportunity to share, reflect and provoke opportunity for people to join me in conversations for self growth in regards to the early years and the power of these fundamental years.


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